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- How much does it cost you to get one lead?
- Which advertising channels do you use? Google, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube?
- How effective is the ad space you have bought?
- Have you tested different ways of advertising?
When it comes to paid advertising, you should be very smart at investing money. Chances are that you will lose funds and get zero effect. To minimize spending, you need to have an expert team behind your digital ad campaign. Haka Media is at your service. We know a few tricks on how to optimize your marketing budget.[/vc_column_text][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”circle-bullet”][/dt_sc_fancy_ul][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”10521″ img_size=”631×627″ add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Is paid advertising effective?
It is if it is done right. In fact, 76% of customers admit that paid ads help them find the desired information, while 90% say that ads drive their purchasing decisions. Isn’t it enough motivation to start working out your digital advertising strategy? However, don’t try to plunge into it right away. Remember a golden rule of paid advertising: What may perfectly work for one business can be a failure for others.
Due to our solid experience in all things advertising, we have come up with the following crucial points that should be considered before launching a campaign.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][dt_sc_iconbox icon=”fa fa-tripadvisor” title=”Paid advertising should be measurable”]It is essential that you decide on the ultimate goal of your campaign in the first place. Do you expect to raise your brand awareness and drive traffic to your website? Do you aim at increasing the number of subscribers? Or, do you strive to acquire actual buyers? In each of the cases, the metrics for measuring campaign effectiveness will be different.
[/dt_sc_iconbox][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][dt_sc_iconbox icon=”fa fa-users” title=”Paid advertising should target a very specific audience”] Of course, you can choose to target a broad group of customers. But in this instance, it would be tough to actually measure the success of your campaign. Therefore, it’s worth ‘segmenting’ your demographic — by age, gender, location, interest, behavior, or even devices that your potential customers use.[/dt_sc_iconbox][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][dt_sc_iconbox icon=”fa fa-bullseye” title=”Paid ads should be relevant to the targeted page and semantics”]No matter whether you use PPI, PPC, or display ads, your landing page and its content should be aligned with the text of your ad. Ideally, they should target the same set of keywords. There are tools that can analyze the semantics on your landing page and advise you on a set of keywords to target via your ad.[/dt_sc_iconbox][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][dt_sc_iconbox icon=”fa fa-thumb-tack” title=”Paid ads should ALWAYS be tested”]There is no universal ad message that may hook all target groups. There is no universal channel that may help you reach the entire audience. And there is no universal cost for all types of advertising. You should experiment with your paid ad strategies. You don’t know which location converts better — test it. You don’t know which keyword group is more efficient — test it.[/dt_sc_iconbox][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Channels for paid advertising
Once you decide on your customer personas, you should also decide on the most appropriate places where you can approach them. You can start with one channel and then add others to feel the difference and increase ROI.
- Rented ad space. This approach is widely known as media buying. The backbone here is to choose relevant media outlets and buy ad space from them. But there’s a trap that inexperienced buyers usually fall into. Media publishers are numerous, and they differ in quality and business integrity. You can get inefficient space at an extremely high cost. To avoid this scenario, it is advisable to have a large pool of media vendors. This way, you can compare prices and negotiate the best deal. There’s also a chance to ask for a trial period before spending large sums on full-scale advertising. Rented space comes in the form of blogs, websites, forums, TV or radio, newspapers or magazines, social media outlets.
- Google ads. Have you ever noticed the websites in Google top hits labeled as ‘Ad’? That’s how Google ads work. When people look for specific goods or services via search engines, they use relevant keywords. If you include these keywords in your ad, your business will be on top of the list to catch customer attention. However, as with any advertising, your ads in Google should be based on accurate targeting. Who is your customer? Where are they located? Which keywords do they use when searching for alike products? When is the best time to display your ad? These and many other options are available when setting up a Google ad. Besides, this type of advertising works on a PPC basis. So, you pay only for the actual click of the user. This way, you can both save money and make ongoing changes to the campaign if it’s not performing as intended.
- Facebook ads. Facebook ads are a good fit for numerous business purposes — user engagement, brand awareness, traffic boost, etc. The process of setting up an ad for Facebook is somewhat similar to that of Google. You are free to choose the demographic, location, device, timeframe to display your ad, its format, etc. Here, you can promote your brand page, content, or the website itself. It is also possible to specify your advertising budget in order to not go over the top. Mind, however, that Facebook is rarely used to find goods or services. It is a networking tool in the first place. So, your campaign should be accurately planned if you aim to win over the leads from Facebook. Straightforward sales pitches may not work here.
- Instagram ads. Instagram is about visual engagement. So, the main tool here is photo ads or video ads. The platform allows for both manual targeting and automated targeting. As for options that you can use to narrow your audience, they include location, properties like age/gender/language, interests, and behaviors. There’s also an opportunity to only focus on your existing user base. This works well if your key goal is to move your customers through your sales funnel. You may remark that the platform is essentially suitable to promote businesses of the visual or creative sectors like apparel, food & drinks, etc. But Instagram is a place where most sectors are present including financial institutions, insurance, oil & gas, technology.
Expanding on the advertising channels, we should mention that along with the above platforms you can launch campaigns on LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube. The choice will depend on the type of business, the industry covered, as well as marketing needs and goals. Does it look like a huge portion of time and expertise for analysis of all those elements? Don’t fret, we can help you out.
Haka Media enjoys a long track record in marketing of 12 years. Throughout this period, we have been experimenting with various advertising tools and channels. We have first-hand knowledge of how to promote businesses engaged in cryptocurrency, gaming, software development, insurtech, p2p lending, cybersecurity, and so many more. As a provider of paid advertising services, Haka Media has designed a few effective packages that you can order straight away. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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